4 Common KYBELLA® FAQs, Answered (Updated 2024)

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As a facial plastic surgeon, I often meet patients in Orlando who long for a more contoured profile, but aren’t ready for surgical intervention, such as a facelift, chin implant, or liposuction. Until recently, there were few non-surgical alternatives to correct submental fullness, most commonly known as “double chin.” KYBELLA has emerged as a leading treatment to reduce fat in this area for a sculpted, youthful look. Below, we answer top questions about KYBELLA treatments.

Before and After KYBELLA in Orlando, FL, by Dr. Edward Gross
Before and After KYBELLA in Orlando, FL, by Dr. Edward Gross
Kybella | Radiesse | Orlando, FL
Before and After KYBELLA in Orlando, FL, by Dr. Edward Gross
Before and After KYBELLA in Orlando, FL, by Dr. Edward Gross


KYBELLA is an FDA-approved injectable medication that treats excess fat under the chin, which often accumulates dur to hereditary factors, weight gain, or the natural aging process. It is made up of a naturally occurring bile acid that breaks down and removes fat accumulations without surgery.

How Does KYBELLA Work?

When KYBELLA is injected into the area under the chin, it destroys unwanted fat cells. Once the cells are destroyed, they are no longer able to store or build fat. These cells will be gradually eliminated with the body’s own natural processes and will not regenerate. However, future weight gain may affect your results.

What Is Recovery After KYBELLA Like?

KYBELLA is used with local anesthesia, and completed in about 30 minutes. Most patients experience swelling for 2 to 3 days after the treatment. During that time, they will wear a chin strap to support their skin. Pain is minimal and generally resolves in 15 minutes.

Additionally, a follow-up visit will be scheduled for 1 month after the first treatment to determine a timeline for subsequent treatments. To achieve their desired outcome, most people need between 4 to 6 treatments spaced at least 1 month apart.

Who Is a Good Candidate for KYBELLA?

The best candidates for KYBELLA are adults who have a focal fat pocket under the chin and either have a BMI less than 30 or are not obese. Good skin elasticity is key for best results. Coincidentally, this is the same group of people who are best served by liposuction. However, liposuction requires anesthesia and a week-long recovery. KYBELLA gives many patients another option for achieving a chiselled chin.

Get Started

I’m thrilled to offer KYBELLA at my Orlando practice. As a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon, my extensive training has taught me to carefully weigh the benefits and risks of each treatment I bring into my office. As you can see in our before-and-after gallery, KYBELLA is a safe and effective option for men and women in Orlando. If you are interested in learning more, please request a consultation or call us at (407) 333-3040.

This post was originally written in October 2015 and has been updated for 2024.

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