Giving Back During the Season of Giving Thanks

Naturally attractive blonde woman smiling and resting her chin on hands

Thanksgiving is approaching quickly. When we’re not wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of family gatherings, preparing our favorite dishes, and getting a head start on holiday shopping, this is an important time of year to slow down and consider the people and things that we’re most grateful for–and how we can pay our good fortune forward.

As a facial plastic surgeon, my Orlando patients give me the opportunity to change their lives for the better every day, and for that privilege, I am truly thankful. I am also extremely grateful for the opportunities I have to give back to the wonderful community in which I work and live. I’m so pleased to donate my time and my skills to FACE TO FACE: The National Domestic Violence Project. This incredibly deserving program offers pro bono facial reconstruction surgery to victims of domestic violence.

For people who have endured domestic violence, living with lingering scars can be painful reminders of difficult memories. Although counseling, therapy, and support groups can help ease the emotional symptoms, programs like FACE TO FACE can help erase visible reminders of abuse and give these individuals the confidence to move forward with their lives. Through my work with FACE TO FACE, I’ve treated broken noses, scars, and other physical remnants of abuse. On my Giving Back page, you can learn more about FACE TO FACE and watch videos of previous patients describing their experiences in their own words.

Few things satisfy me more than the opportunity to give back to the larger community through charitable facial plastic surgery here in Orlando. This holiday season, I encourage you to make a plan to offer your talents to someone in need. Let’s give everybody something to be thankful for.

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