Nonsurgical Nose Job: Is It Worth It?

Dark haired woman with attractive nose looking to her right

One of the most noteworthy trends in the aesthetic field during the past decade has been the emphasis on nonsurgical alternatives to plastic surgery. People now talk about “liquid facelifts” as a way to avoid—at least temporarily—the need for cosmetic surgery. That trend has spread to how we address the appearance of the nose. A liquid rhinoplasty, also called a nonsurgical nose job, uses dermal fillers to temporarily change the shape of your nose without surgery.

In this blog post, I’ll explain nonsurgical rhinoplasty techniques, what the procedure can accomplish, and why it’s important to choose a plastic surgeon with experience performing this procedure.

Who Chooses Liquid Rhinoplasty?

For the right patients, a nonsurgical nose job corrects certain imperfections that cause them to feel self-conscious about their appearance. Even though surgical rhinoplasty provides long-lasting results and can create more dramatic changes, not everyone may want to undergo surgery. The cost and downtime of a surgical procedure can deter some patients, in addition to worrying about being unhappy with the results.

What Are the Benefits of Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty?

The nonsurgical approach to reshaping the nose is ideal for women or men with specific, isolated concerns, such as a dorsal hump or asymmetry that isn’t too severe. It can also create the illusion of a straighter nose. Other benefits of the procedure include:

  • Creates immediate results
  • No need to take time off from work or school
  • Allows you to “test drive” a surgical rhinoplasty
  • Fillers often can be reversed with hyaluronidase
  • Costs less initially than surgical rhinoplasty
  • Useful for making minor corrections for patients who have already had surgical rhinoplasty

One thing to keep in mind if you’re considering a nonsurgical nose job: Fillers add volume, so it’s not for people who believe their noses are too big. Be sure to read our related blog post comparing nonsurgical and surgical rhinoplasty. You’ll find a list of questions to ask yourself to determine whether nonsurgical rhinoplasty or a surgical procedure is better for you.

How Is Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty Performed?

We numb the skin at the outset of the procedure to help minimize discomfort (fillers are also pre-mixed with a local anesthetic). Because the nose’s blood supply is complicated, it’s critical for injectors to use precision for nonsurgical rhinoplasty. It’s safest to inject filler into the bridge of the nose rather than into the tip, which is why we don’t recommend the nonsurgical approach for patients who want a narrower tip.

Can It Provide Comparable Results to Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Ultimately, surgical rhinoplasty performed by an experienced facial plastic surgeon can be a truly transformative procedure in a way that liquid rhinoplasty cannot match. You can see some of my patients’ surgical nose job results in the photos below and in our photo gallery.

Before & After Surgical Rhinoplasty
Revision Rhinoplasty | Dr. Edward Gross | Primera Plastic Surgery | Orlando, FL
Before & After Surgical Rhinoplasty
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 882 Right Side View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Before & After Surgical Rhinoplasty
Nose Job | Rhinoplasty | Orlando , FL
Before & After Surgical Rhinoplasty

Learn About Your Options

In the end, only you can decide if a temporary adjustment to your nose’s appearance is worth it. If you’re dissatisfied with your nose’s appearance and want to discuss your options, contact us using the online form or call us at (407) 333-3040 to schedule an appointment at our Lake Mary, FL, practice.

This post was originally published in January 2020 and updated in June 2023.

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