Primera Plastic Surgery
1035 Primera Boulevard
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Phone: (407) 333-3040
Fax: (407) 333-3496
Mon–Fri: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m.–3 p.m. (Med Spa only)
Rhinoplasty Before & After Case 682

Rhinoplasty | Nose Job | Orlando , FL
Case Details
This 27-year-old Jacksonville, FL woman was bothered by the dorsal hump on the bridge of her nose due to a childhood injury. Dr. Gross performed a cosmetic rhinoplasty with profile reduction, bridge straightening, and tip plasty with deprojection. She is very happy with the results of her nose job! (After photo shown at one year.)
Procedures Performed
Provider: Edward J. Gross, MD
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.