Chin & Cheek Implant

Chin and cheek augmentation using an implant helps metro Orlando residents improve the balance of their facial profile. Chin implants correct a “weak” or receding chin caused by congenital deficiency, age-related bone resorption, or facial trauma. Cheek augmentation adds fullness and gives the appearance of well-defined cheekbones.

Communities We Serve

Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Edward J. Gross improves facial harmony with chin and cheek implant procedures for people from the Orlando area, including:

  • Winter Park
  • Tampa
  • Melbourne
  • Daytona Beach

If you are interested in facial plastic surgery with Dr. Gross, request a consultation today, or call our office at (407) 333-3040.

Chin & Cheek Implant
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 584 view-1 View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Before & After
Case: 1 of 8

Case #584 | Chin Implant: This Orlando woman consulted with Dr. Gross to correct a weak chin, or microgenia. He performed chin implant surgery using an Implantech, medium -CEAC (conform extended anatomical chin) solid silicone implant. She is very happy. Her profile is balanced and looks natural!"My results are even better th... Read More
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 636 Right Side View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Chin Implant for Men | Orlando
Case: 2 of 8

Chin Implant for Men | Orlando. This Orlando area man was bothered by a recessed, weak chin (known as microgenia). Dr. Gross performed a chin implant procedure through an external approach using a vertical lengthening, medium, Implantech implant. Both his front and side views show a noticeable improvement in vertical height and correction. Su... Read More
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 925 Right Side View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Before & After
Case: 3 of 8

Case# 925. Chin Implant. This 23-year-old gentleman from Orlando was bothered by microgenia, or a recessed chin.  We placed an Implantech, extended anatomical Conform chin implant to achieve these results.  Medium size was used.  FDA Approved for safety and longevity. No screws or plates used. The submental incision is small an... Read More
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 296 view-1 View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Before & After
Case: 4 of 8

Case #296 | Chin Implant | Submentoplasty | Neck Liposuction:  This Orlando man was bothered by a weak chin and poorly defined jawline. Dr. Gross performed a chin implant procedure and submentoplasty (platysma muscle tightening) to achieve these results. An Implantech, Terino Square II, Large was used. His 3/4 view shows a stronger, more... Read More
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 614 Left Side View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Chin Implant & Submentoplasty | Orlando
Case: 5 of 8

Case #614 | Chin Implant & Submentoplasty | Orlando. This 25-year-old Orlando woman wanted a stronger profile and complained of a double chin.  Dr. Gross performed a chin implant through a submental approach with a Implantech conform extended anatomical implant– medium sized.  He also tightened the platysma muscle in her neck wi... Read More
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 817 Right Side View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Chin Implant | Neck Liposuction | Primera Plastic Surgery | Orlando, FL
Case: 6 of 8

Case #817 | Chin Implant | Submentoplasty | Neck Liposuction | Orlando, FL: This 33-year-old woman was bothered by a weak chin (microgenia) and excess fullness directly under her chin. Dr. Gross performed a chin implant (Implantech, Large Conform Extended Anatomic Chin) procedure with submentoplasty and neck liposuction to achieve these resul... Read More
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 684 Right Side View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Before & After
Case: 7 of 8

Case #684 | Chin Implant | Orlando, FL: This 31-year-old man was unhappy with his recessed chin and wanted a more defined profile. Dr. Gross performed a chin implant procedure to achieve the look he was hoping for. He is very pleased with the results of his surgery, which look completely natural and proportionate. Read More
Before & After Chin & Cheek Implant Case 753 Left Side View in Orlando, Winter Park & Tampa, Florida
Chin Implant | Orlando
Case: 8 of 8

Case #753. Nose Job & Chin Implant. This 27-year-old Orlando woman had a long nose and a weak chin. We performed a cosmetic rhinoplasty/ nose job and placed a medium-sized chin implant via a submental approach. Implantech solid silicone Conform was used. Following the procedure, she desired greater chin projection, and we treated with Rad... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

How Much Does Chin & Cheek Augmentation Cost in Orlando?

The cost for chin and cheek implant procedures at our Orlando-area practice varies based on your unique needs. The cost includes the implant. Your surgery price depends on whether you get 1 or both types of implants, whether your implant surgery is combined with other procedures, and a number of other factors. Dr. Gross is proud to offer financing through CareCredit® for qualified patients.

Edward J. Gross, M.D.

Double Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

With 24 years in practice, Dr. Gross’ quality of care and results have earned the confidence and referrals of doctors throughout the region. His emphasis on patient education helps the men and women he treats feel comfortable and supported during their treatment.

Meet Dr. GrossRequest My Consultation Dr. Gross boards and certifications Dr. Gross boards and certifications

Proven Techniques, Outstanding Results

A weak chin can make the nose seem larger or make the neck appear full and undefined. Chin augmentation is the procedure of choice for most patients with normally functioning teeth and jaw development. Chin implants improve the facial contour by adding:

  • Increased projection
  • Improved shape

Cheek implants create a more youthful appearance by:

  • Adding volume to the cheekbones and midface
  • Lifting the cheeks and increasing their definition
blonde woman smiling

From A Patient's Perspective

Read and hear real people discuss their unique experiences and get a perspective that is sometimes missing from shorter reviews. These stories feature some of our actual patients describing their personal journeys and what makes Primera Plastic Surgery such a special place.

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Who Is a Candidate for Facial Implants?

For both men and women, chin or cheek implants can create a more pronounced jawline and improve the appearance of their bone structure. People also pursue facial implants to restore lost volume in the cheeks, a normal consequence of aging. The best candidates must have a BMI below 30 and have skin that retains enough elasticity to be repositioned successfully.

To be eligible for surgery, your jaw and teeth must be healthy and function properly. A patient with a mildly weak chin can benefit from an implant, as well. It’s also important that your immune system is healthy to help reduce the risk of infection after the surgery.

It may be useful to first use soft-tissue fillers such as JUVÉDERM® or Restylane® to create a stronger and more prominent chin. If you like the results, you will probably be an excellent candidate for a chin implant. You may also want to use a filler to enhance your cheeks. Because the results are temporary and ultimately reversible, you can assess your new look before deciding on using an implant to make the results permanent.

A Reputation Built on Results

(Rhinoplasty) To put it simply, Dr. Gross changed my life. For as long as I can remember, I carried...
I have been going to Primera Plastic Surgery for many years and have the utmost confidence in them....
Thank you Dr. Gross
I’ve only had a consultation, but I will say it was incredibly thorough and professional. I never give...
Chin and Cheek Implant Videos

Chin & Cheek Implants With a Facial Plastic Surgery Specialist

Dr. Gross performs chin implant procedures through an incision hidden under the chin. He typically uses an FDA-approved, medical-grade solid Silastic® implant for chin augmentation. For best results, Dr. Gross often performs chin augmentation at the same time as rhinoplasty, neck liposuction, or submentoplasty (tightening of the muscles underneath the chin and upper neck).

After making the incision, Dr. Gross creates a small pocket and inserts the implant in front of the jaw bone, making sure it sits at a position that looks balanced with your other facial features and improves your profile. Once he’s satisfied, he closes the incision.

Dr. Gross uses the following chin implants:

  • The Conform™ Extended Anatomical Chin Implant is appropriate in the majority of cases. It mimics the natural contour of the mandible and is placed through a small incision under the chin. This implant also provides strengthening of the pre-jowl sulcus (side of the jaw) to create a more defined jawline. Women generally require small to medium-sized implants, whereas men require medium, large, or extra large.
  • The Terino Square Chin– Style I is recommended for men who want a more square jawline.
  • The Vertical Lengthening Chin is designed for patients who need vertical height in addition to forward projection. The Vertical Lengthening Chin implant creates a more elongated face and triangular jawline-chin shape.

Dr. Gross places cheek implants through hidden incisions inside the mouth. He uses Implantech® solid silicone implants for the cheeks. These implants come in various sizes and shapes, allowing for complete customization. Dr. Gross selects the best cheek implant for each patient after careful analysis and measurements of the face and cheeks. Chin augmentation takes place in conjunction with rhinoplasty in about 30 percent of his cases. He also frequently performs submentoplasty in combination with neck liposuction to enhance the overall result. Before chin or cheek procedures, Dr. Gross uses computer imaging to show patients their potential results.

“Chin and cheek augmentation procedures have increased in popularity with the advent of social media, as profile photos are frequently used.”
– Dr. Gross

Computer Imaging

See Your Results Before Surgery

Our practice is among the few that use computer imaging to show potential results. With the help of this technology, Dr. Gross can reliably tailor a surgical treatment plan for the unique needs of each patient.

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Chin & Cheek Implants FAQ

    • What is chin & cheek augmentation recovery like?
      These outpatient procedures take about an hour, and recovery time is generally a week. Results are long-lasting. Pain is common for the first 1 to 2 days and can be eased with cool compresses and analgesics. Recovery time lasts about 5 to 7 days. Patients should avoid heavy lifting and contact sports for 2 weeks.
    • How can I prepare for recovery?
      A few simple steps prior to surgery will make your recovery a smooth one. Think about your wardrobe, as well. It’s best to wear something comfortable that doesn’t have to be pulled over your head — both on the day of your procedure and in the first few days of your recovery. Make sure you have the following items available when you return home from our office:

      • Plenty of ice
      • Freezer bags
      • Clean gauze
      • The creams or ointments recommended by Dr. Gross to apply to external incision sites
      • Protein shakes, pudding, ice cream, and other soft foods
      • Mouthwash
    • Are facial implants safe?
      Chin and cheek implant surgeries are safe procedures and complications are rare. The primary concern is infection, but that minimal risk is controlled with antibiotics. The implants are secured to the bone with a suture to the periosteum, eliminating the need for plates or screws.
    • How soon after surgery can I exercise?
      Dr. Gross advises waiting at least 2 weeks before resuming your normal exercise routine. If you participate in contact sports, wait until you’re completely healed before competing or getting back on the field. Chin and cheek implants are very stable, but may be dislodged in the first few weeks after surgery if you sustain a direct blow.
    • Should I get cheek implants or JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC?
      This is a conversation you should have with Dr. Gross during your consultation. JUVÉDERM VOLUMA is an FDA-approved filler that treats age-related volume loss in the cheeks; results can last for up to 2 years. Synthetic implants are considered permanent and create contours for patients whose bone structure may be underdeveloped. For the right candidates, both options are excellent treatments.
    • What type of anesthesia do you use?
      We use light general anesthesia for this type of surgery.
    • Is this an outpatient or inpatient procedure?
      This is an outpatient procedure at Primera Surgery Center.
    • What are the side effects and risks?
      The side effects are mild discomfort, temporary numbness of the skin, minor bruising and swelling, and the risk of infection (rare).
    • Where is the incision placed?
      For chin implants, the incision is hidden under the chin in a natural crease. Sutures are removed at 1 week. For cheek implants, the incision is hidden inside the mouth. Sutures dissolve in 2 weeks.
    • How long will I enjoy my results?
      Implant results are long-lasting. It’s highly unlikely you will need a second surgery.
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