The buttocks, thighs, and abdomen aren’t the only areas on which fatty deposits form; fat can accumulate on the jowls, neck, and under the chin. This fullness, often related to the natural aging process or weight gain, causes some people to lose their confidence. Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Gross performs fat removal of the face, chin, and neck with liposuction at his metro Orlando practice to help men and women reduce fullness in the neck and create a sharper, more youthful jawline.
Communities We Serve
Dr. Gross is a skilled facial plastic surgeon who can create a defined and youthful-looking neck, chin, and jawline with facial lipo for his Florida patients from Winter Park and beyond, including:
Case #73: This Orlando patient wanted a thinner face and neck. Dr. Gross helped him with neck liposuction, buccal fat removal, and a chin implant. Following his outpatient treatment at Primera, he now has a defined jawline, stronger chin, and a thinner face. He lost 25 lbs. and is enjoying his fresh new look! Read More
Case #126. Facelift and Neck lift. Results at 1 year. This Orlando-area woman lost a significant amount of weight and had excess skin and fullness under her chin. The platysmal bands are gone. After weight loss surgery, she had excess neck skin. Dr. Gross performed a mini-lift and neck lift to clean up the jawline and re-create a... Read More
Case #193 | Neck Lift | Radiesse. This patient was bothered by a turkey neck and drooping cheeks. Dr. Gross performed a lower facelift, neck lift, and neck liposuction. The incisions are well-hidden under the chin and around his ears. Radiesse was placed in the nasal folds after surgery. Dr. Gross performs surgery for Men in Orlando and... Read More
Case #125 | Facelift | Neck lift | Chin implant: This Orlando woman had a very heavy neck, weak chin, and drooping of the cheeks. We performed face lift, neck lift, and chin implant to improve her profile. Her after picture shows a dramatic improvement, and she is very happy. Read More
Neck Lipo | Orlando | Men. This 43-year-old Orlando area man was bothered by fullness of the neck, lack of a jawline and a heavy face. Dr. Edward Gross performed neck and jawline liposuction to achieve these results. Surgery was performed as an outpatient, in about 1 hour in our Lake Mary surgery Center. 3 stitches were plac... Read More
Neck Liposuction | Orlando. This Orlando-area woman was bothered by a double chin for many years. She tried dieting and exercise with no success. Dr Gross performed neck and jawline liposuction as an outpatient procedure. She had a quick recovery and natural, yet noticeable results. Read More
Neck liposuction for Men. This 37 year old man form Orlando wanted a more defined jawline. Results of liposuction in the neck at 3 months show a thinner face and neck. Recovery is 1 week and procedure completed in about an hour. He is very happy. Read More
Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.
How Much Does Face, Chin, and Neck Liposuction Cost in Orlando, Florida?
The cost for face, neck, and chin liposuction at our Orlando practice varies based on your unique needs. Patients from Miami to Tampa and throughout Central Florida can expect the cost to vary with the areas treated, whether other procedures are performed, and other specific factors. Review our pricing page for details. You will receive a personalized price quote during your consultation with Dr. Gross. We offer financing through CareCredit® for qualified patients.
Proven Techniques, Outstanding Results
Liposuction, or liposculpture, is the surgical vacuuming of fat from beneath the surface of the skin with fine cannulas. Dr. Gross often uses liposuction for face and neck fat removal in order to:
Produce a more sculpted, angular, and youthful jawline
Create youthful definition in the face and neck
Reduce excessive fullness in the cheeks
Edward J. Gross, M.D.
Double Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
With 24 years in practice, Dr. Gross’ quality of care and results have earned the confidence and referrals of doctors throughout the region. His emphasis on patient education helps the men and women he treats feel comfortable and supported during their treatment.
Neck & Face Liposuction With a Facial Plastic Surgery Specialist
Patients who are slightly overweight can benefit from liposuction. It is best to be at or near your normal weight when you have this procedure done. The best candidates for this procedure must have a BMI below 30. Good skin elasticity is also important because it lets the skin shrink easily with the reduced contour. There is no absolute age limit for liposuction; however, younger skin tends to respond better due to its elasticity.
Moderate weight gain will not alter or stretch the skin back. However, excessive weight gain may blunt the nice neck contour achieved by liposuction.
“Our patients are often so motivated after successful liposuction procedures that they go on to lose more weight and then tend to keep it off. This greatly enhances overall results.”
– Dr. Gross
Combining Procedures
Patients who have excess fat under their chins accompanied by taut skin in this area can benefit from liposuction alone. They may also be good candidates for KYBELLA® injections to reduce a double chin. However, if the skin on the neck is loose, hanging, or crepey — even with the presence of excess fat — liposuction alone will not produce the desired result. Patients with loose skin usually require a tightening procedure such as a mini facelift, neck lift, or traditional facelift in addition to (or instead of) liposuction. In general, patients who benefit most from neck liposuction alone are younger than age 40. Most patients older than 40 require some surgical skin tightening.
Dr. Gross uses neck liposuction to remove fat from beneath the chin in order to eliminate a double chin or jowls. Neck liposuction will not necessarily improve dimpled or rippled skin. These cases often require neck lift contouring in conjunction with a liposuction procedure.
Excess fat in the central fat pad of the face can cause cheek fullness. In these cases, Dr. Gross performs buccal fat pad extraction along with liposuction.
Before a procedure, Dr. Gross uses computer imaging to simulate the results of neck and face liposuction.
Computer Imaging
See Your Results Before Surgery
Our practice is among the few that use computer imaging to show potential results. With the help of this technology, Dr. Gross can reliably tailor a surgical treatment plan for the unique needs of each patient.
Face and neck liposuction takes place under general anesthesia or oral sedation. The surgery typically lasts about an hour. As you recuperate, you may experience temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, or a burning sensation. While each person’s recovery is unique, the following timeline provides a basic idea of what to expect.
Days 1 to 6
You will return home the day of your surgery. You may have some bruising and swelling. We will prescribe you pain medication to manage any soreness. Compression garments and chin straps worn after surgery greatly reduce the chances of complications, which are rare.
Weeks 1 to 2
If your job involves desk work, you will likely be able to return after a week. You may need a bit longer if your job is physically demanding.
Weeks 2 to 4
You can begin to gradually resume more strenuous physical activity after 2 to 4 weeks.
Months 2 to 6
Some remaining swelling may last for 6 months or more. During this time, your small incisions will continue to fade and become even more inconspicuous.
Neck & Face Liposuction FAQ
What does the procedure involve?
The procedure improves shape by removing fat deposits with a tube (called a cannula) and vacuum device. Common locations for liposuction include the chin, jawline, and neck.
Does liposuction on your face hurt?
The procedure does not hurt as you are placed under anesthesia to keep you completely comfortable. It is normal to experience a bit of soreness during the first few days of recovery; however, most people find this easy to manage with prescribed pain medication and/or over-the-counter painkillers.
What are my risks?
Asymmetry, dimpling of skin, pigmentation changes, skin injury, fluid retention, and infection.
Does face liposuction leave scars?
Liposuction leaves very small scars hidden along natural creases in your face and neck. Once healed, these are typically very difficult to notice, even when intentionally looking for them.
How long will I enjoy my results?
Results are long-lasting with sensible diet and exercise.
“Our general rule of thumb is that patients are candidates for neck and jawline liposuction if they are not more than 50 pounds over ideal body weight. If they are, I recommend weight loss, dieting, and exercise first.”
– Dr. Gross
From A Patient's Perspective
Read and hear real people discuss their unique experiences and get a perspective that is sometimes missing from shorter reviews. These stories feature some of our actual patients describing their personal journeys and what makes Primera Plastic Surgery such a special place.
Dr. Gross is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who can create a defined, youthful neck and jawline with face and neck liposuction. To learn more, request a consultation today, book online now, or call
(407) 333-3040.