For those who have changed their minds about the symbolism, appearance, or content of a tattoo, the YAG laser, available at Primera, is the gold standard of laser tattoo removal without scarring for metro Orlando residents. The light energy emitted from this laser passes into the skin and is absorbed by the tattoo ink. As a result, the tattoo ink breaks into tiny particles that are then removed by the body’s natural filtering system.
Communities We Serve
Dr. Edward J. Gross performs laser tattoo removal for Winter Park, Florida, women and men and others from throughout the area, including:
How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost in Orlando?
The cost of laser tattoo removal treatment at our Orlando-area practice typically varies based on the number of sessions needed to produce your desired results. You can learn more on our pricing page. After your consultation, we’ll provide you with more specific pricing.
A Reputation Built on Results
Thank you Dr. Gross
I’ve only had a consultation, but I will say it was incredibly thorough and professional. I never give...
I've been going to Primera for a couple of years now to repair damage to my skin and nose. I will continue...
LOVE my recent Sculptra treatment with Kristine, APRN! It was my first time getting Sculptra, so I was...
Our Candela® Alex TriVantage (ATV) laser uses proven safe technology with 532, 755, and 1064 nm wavelengths. The YAG laser effectively treats various types of tattoos, including:
Dr. Gross also removes brown spots (also known as pigmented lesions) with the YAG laser.
Your Comfort Matters
Take charge of your own comfort with Pro-Nox™! Available for select procedures, this self-administered pain management system provides fast-acting relief without needles or prescription medications. Plus, you can even drive home afterward! Learn more about how Pro-Nox enhances your comfort and satisfaction.
Laser Tattoo Removal With a Facial Aesthetic Specialist
The laser delivers short, rapid, high-intensity pulses of light with maximum capability for destruction of melanin and pigment targets. The combination of the short wavelength and rapid light pulses maximizes our ability to treat pigmented areas while preserving surrounding skin. The laser works on a great variety of inks in a range of colors, with the exception of yellow, which in many cases is difficult to erase completely. While experiences vary, 4 to 6 treatments are typically needed for desired results.
In most cases, only 1 to 2 YAG laser treatments are required for optimal results in correcting brown spots. Other options for brown spots or patches, such as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), are also effective but may require more treatments to achieve the desired results.
From A Patient's Perspective
Read and hear real people discuss their unique experiences and get a perspective that is sometimes missing from shorter reviews. These stories feature some of our actual patients describing their personal journeys and what makes Primera Plastic Surgery such a special place.
Most tattoos require multiple treatments, depending on the amount, type, and color of ink used and the depth of the ink in the skin. In many cases, we can diminish the appearance of the tattoo considerably.
Treatment of brown spots may produce temporary darkened or gray areas at the treatment sites. This may last from a few days to a week.
“The YAG laser (Candela ATV) is one of the most advanced lasers available for treatment of tattoos, brown areas of pigment such as age spots, and specific birthmarks.”
– Dr. Gross